口译教育背景:北京外国语大学高级翻译学院 英语同声传译 硕士,上海外国语大学英语学院 英汉口译 硕士 口译服务描述:7年职业同声翻译经验,曾服务的客户包括联合国工发组织、开发计划署、儿童基金会等联合国机构;中国商务部、发改委、水利部等国家部委;北京市人民政府、陕西省人民政府、上海市人民政府、苏州市人民政府等地方政府;北京国际金融论坛、国际海洋监管委员会、国际足联等国际非政府组织;中国林产工业协会、中国商业地产协会等行业协会;英国石油、道达尔、三星、博世、微软、威立雅、辉瑞、百思买、英特尔、杜邦、艾默生、飞利浦等500强企业;等等。 口译涉及领域包括:经济、金融、管理、营销、地产、IT、新材料、新科技、化工、环保、建筑、通信、水利、机械、文教、体育、法律、医学,等等。 部分同传案例 Simultaneously Interpreted Conferences 国际煤炭循环经济峰会2011 Sustainable Coal Utilization Summit 2011 2011中国国际可持续包装峰会 China International Sustainable Packaging Summit 2011 2011年IT趋势和技术预测Gartner媒体见面会 Gartner Press Briefing for IT Predicts 2011 2011 Gartner 全球IT趋势大预测 2011 Garner Predicts 2011年北京国际低碳技术论坛 2011 Bejing International Low-carbon Technology Forum 2011蓝代斯克全球销售启动会议 2011 LANDesk Sales Kickoff 2010年 甲骨文全球大会2010 Oracle Openworld 2010 2010《域》建筑与艺术对话 Area Architecture and Art Dialogue 2010 2010创新方法高层论坛 2010 High-level Forum on Innovation Method 中建地产"家?国?天下"高峰论坛 China State Construction Land Summit 友成普融小额信贷机构尽职调查培训 Youchange MFIs Due Diligence Workshop 我的钢铁网铁矿石年会2010 World Iron Ore China Summit 2010 中美科学教育论坛 Sino-US Science Education Forum 英国石油中国零售品类管理策略研讨会 BP Executive Forum on Advanced Retail Category Management 2010中国石油化工行业年会 2010 China Oil and Chemical Industry Conference 联合国工业发展组织中国创业天使孵化论坛 UNIDO China Entrepreneurship Incubation Forum 第六届中国国际物流节开幕式暨2010 物流全球论坛 Opening of the Sixth China International Logistics Week and 2010 Global Forum on Logistics 2010年奥迪销售事业部战略研讨会 2010 Audi ASD Strategy Symposium 中外音乐学院院长论坛 International Forum of Chinese and Foreign Conservatory Presidents 中央音乐学院建校70周年庆典 Ceremony on the 70th Anniversary of Central Conservatory of Music 联合国教科文组织?第二届中国商亦载道精神启示论坛 UNESCO-China Second Business Ethics Forum AVEVA World Summit 2010 AVEVA 世界峰会2010 2010中关村论坛年会:战略性新兴产业策源地 Zhongguancun Forum 2010: Fountainhead for Strategic Emerging Industries 国际电信标准组织TM Forum 中国区大会 TM Forum China Regional Spotlight 2010年混源与信息技术互操作性高级别论坛 2010 High-level Forum of Mixed Sources and Information Technology Interoperability Beijing's Presentation Meetings for 2015 IAAF World Championships in Athletics 北京申办2015年世界田径锦标赛申办陈述大会 2010年中国国际葡萄酒市场发展高端论坛 2010 China International Forum on Wine Market Development 美国盖璞Gap服饰IT培训:POS操作 IT Training for Gap: POS Operation 中国(天津滨海)国际生态城市论坛之:生态城市建设的技术集成 China International Eco-city Forum: Technology Integration in Eco-city Development 美国盖璞Gap服饰防损与安全高级培训 Gap Training of Loss Prevention and Safety 2010上海世博会奥地利馆:奥地利-中国设计品牌日 Austria-China Design Branding Day of 2010 World Expo Shanghai "大明宫-世界的遗产"国际学术研讨会 Daming Palace and the Tang Dynasty: National and International Perspectives 宝马集团与华晨宝马合资企业:宝马汽车金融中国有限公司成立新闻发布会暨银行家会议 Launching Ceremony of BMW Automotive Finance China Co. Ltd. and Banker's Meeting 中德天津2010建筑领域节能技术交流大会 2010 Sino-Germany Symposium on Energy-saving in Construction 蓝代斯克CEO等高管大中华区交流大会 Beyond the Future: Landesk CEO Greater China Conference 2010夏季达沃斯主播媒体分论坛首届国际视联网论坛 2010 Summer Davos Subforum: First World Articulated Naturality Web Forum 2010夏季达沃斯主播媒体分论坛入驻签约仪式及论坛成立 大唐渤图入驻天津空港经济区暨"创视湾--国际视联网产业基地"建设启动签字仪式 2010 Summer Davos Subforum: Signing Ceremony of QPC's Entry into Tianjin Airport Industrial Park and Launching Ceremony of "Vision Harbour-International Articulated Naturality Web Base" 清华大学美术学院与英国皇家艺术学院"老龄化设计"研讨会(交传) Seminar on "Design for the Aging" of TAAD and Royal College of Arts 第十四届亚洲心身医学大会暨心身医学新进展国际论坛 The 14th Congress of the Asian College of Psychosomatic Medicine 中国金融发展论坛 China International Forum on Financial Development LANDesk高级软件营销培训 Senior Marketing Workshop: The Art of Winning 嘉利特荏原埃理奥特YR汽轮机工厂投产典礼 Opening Ceremony of Elliott YR Steam Turbine Plant of Ebara Great Pumps Co., Ltd 2010中国燃气市场高峰论坛 China Gas Market Summit 2010 建筑创新新思维论坛:全玻璃结构建筑设计与创新 International Forum on Creative Architecture: Design and Innovation of All-glass Structure 第六届北京国际体育电影周论坛 The Sixth Beijing International Sports Film Forum 全球物联网发展暨投资峰会新闻发布会 Press Release for Global Summit of Development and Investment of Net of Things 中国国际消费电子论坛 China International Forum on Consumer Electronics 食品检验检疫国际研讨会 International Forum on Foods Inspection and Quarantine 2010 Kohler Asia Pacific EHS Summit 2010科勒亚太EHS峰会 辉瑞大客户营销管理论坛 Pfizer Forum on Senior Marketing Management 世界农业文化遗产保护学术讨论会 World Agro-cultural Heritage Protection Forum 中国国际机械展德马吉新闻发布会 DMG Press Release 联合国粮农组织全球重要农业文化遗产保护试点授牌暨专家聘任仪式 UN FAO GIAHS China Awarding Ceremony 中国化妆品安全管理国际研讨会 China International Symposium on Cosmetics Safety Management 第三届中国绿色交通国际峰会2010 China Green Transport Summit 2010 2010制药工程国际论坛 Pharmaceutical Engineering Forum 2010 世界最大制药企业阿斯利康CEO等高管与无锡基地员工见面大会 World's Leading Biopharmaceutical Company AstraZeneca's CEO meets with the Staff 中国物品编码中心2010中国ECR(高效消费者响应)大会--合作与创新,供应链应需而变 ECR Congress GSI 1--Cooperation and Innovation for Supply Chain 2010中国ECR董事会会议 Board meeting of ECR 2010 上海世博会联合国馆中国?南京云锦全球高层论坛 Global Forum of Nanjing Yun Brocade China in the UN Pavilion of Shanghai World Expo 2010 世界海洋油气勘探开发与工程大会暨博览会2010 World Offshore Oil and Gas Extraction and Production and Ocean Engineering Congress China 2010 上海世博会法国馆全球范围内的探究式科学教育研讨会 Science Education Worldwide with Inquiry: Shanghai World Expo 2010 东北大学MBA课程--企业伦理 MBA Courses for Northeast University: Business Ethics 第二届亚洲生态绿色建筑高峰论坛2010 Asia Eco Green Building Congress 2010 2010中国出境旅游交易会印度尼西亚旅游新闻发布会 Press Conference of Indonesian Tourism COTTOM 2010 2010?电梯国际研讨会 2010 International Conference on Elevators and Escalators 中国电信、广电、移动三网融合国际咨询会 International Consultation Seminar on Triple play of Telecom, Broadcasting and Mobile 中国笔记本零部件国际咨询会 International Consultation Seminar on Components of Notebooks Epicor软件亚洲峰会2010 Epicor Asia Summit2010 Epicor(企业管理软件集团)媒体发布会 Press Release of Epicor 9.5 Avira登陆中国暨中文版发布会 Launching Ceremony of Avira in China 第二届中国浮式生产储油卸油研讨会 The Second Annual FPSO China 2010 第六届中国钼业年会暨第六届中国钼业洽谈会 The 6th CMOAC and Trade Talk 2009年 上海虹桥枢纽和虹桥商务区低碳发展研讨会 Symposium on low carbon development of Shanghai Hongqiao Business District 世界500强美国维朋与中日友好医院、天津泰达国际心血管医院商务会议 Wellpoint's Business Negotiations with Key Chinese hospitals 罕见病戈谢氏病疾病管理论坛暨思而赞TM上市会 International Forum Gaucher's Disease Management 血友病高级医学研讨会(北京、上海、广州) Executive Medical Seminar on Hemophilia 第二届亚洲船舶融资租赁高峰论坛 Asia Shipping Financing Summit2009 南非约翰内斯堡商务论坛 City of Johannesburg Business Forum 美国穆格集团中国区会议 MOOG China Conference 中国移动互联网应用高峰论坛 Summit of the Application of Mobile Internet 第六届中国国际服务外包大会 The 6th Global Sourcing Summit 浙江中医药大学50周年校庆暨国际中医学研讨会 50th Anniversary of Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and International Symposium on Traditional Chinese Medicine 英国石油中国高级零售品类管理会议 BP China's Advanced Retail Category Management Training 非传统安全国际研讨会 International Symposium on Non-conventional Security 第三届指数与指数化投资论坛 The Third International Index and Indexing Investment Forum 设计盈利:擅用设计 放眼未来北京大会 Design for Tomorrow's Customer Beijing SAP合作伙伴、销售商会议(北京) SAP Partner and Vendors Conferences (Beijing) SAP合作伙伴、销售商会议(上海) SAP Partner and Vendors Conferences (Shanghai) 世界企业软件巨头SAP企业内部培训 Staff Training of SAP 大豆营养及产业发展高级研讨会 Executive Seminar on Soybean Nutrition and Industry Development 2009中国移动娱乐产业发展论坛 China Mobile Entertainment Industry Development Forum Chinajoy2009
北京国际金融论坛2009夏季报告会 Beijing International Finance Forum Summer Report Conference 2009 软件企业Amdocs-上海电信"融合战略下的客户体验"论坛 Software Company Amdocs-Shanghai Telecom Forum on "Customer Experience under Convergence Strategy" 2009 数据中心策略全球展示大会上海站 Shanghai Leg of Global Show of HP DataCenter Strategics 2009 建筑用PHDC中国区推广研讨会 Research Seminar on the Promotion and Dissemination of Passive and Hybrid Downdraught Cooling System 2009(第三届)全球和中国经济论坛 Forum on Global Economy and China in 2009 国际小水电组织协调委员会2009年会议 IN-SHP Coordinating Committee Meeting 第五届今日水电论坛大会 Fifth International Forum on Small Hydropower 中国国际旅游投资峰会 China International Tourism Investment Summit 2009中国汽车出口物流国际研讨会 2009 China Automotive Exports and Logistics Forum 德国莱茵TUV太阳能及光伏产业论坛 Rheinland TUV Forum on Solar Power and PV
美国美泰集团芭比授权商峰会 Mattel Barbie Licensing Summit
2008 美国辉瑞制药亚太区大客户管理培训(3天) Pfizer Asia-Pacific Key Account Management Training(Three days) 中国商业地产投资峰会(2天) China Property Investment Summit (Two days) Man 集团 透平机械会议(2天) Man Turbo Machinery Conference(Two days) EPICOR 亚洲客户峰会2008(1天) EPICOR 2008 ASIA CUSTOMER SUMMIT(One day) 亚洲财富论坛第二届中欧会展经济发展论坛(1天) Asia Events Fortune Forum The Second Sino-European Convention and Exposition Development Forum(One day) 博士电动工具(中国)有限公司-供应商大会(半天) Bosch Electrical Tools Suppliers Conference 亚太零售银行业国际峰会(2天) Asia-Pacific Summit on Retail Banking (Two days) 慕尼黑上海环保展 2008中国节能减排与资源综合利用论坛(3天) Munich Shanghai Environmental Protection Expo China Emissions and Resources Utilization Forum 2008 (Three days) 杜邦中国物流安全会议(2天) Dupont Logi-safe Conference (two days) Datacenter Dynamics数据中心全球展示会上海站(1天) Datacenter Dynamics Global Expo Shanghai (one day) 海洋管理委员会 监管链高峰会(1天) Marine Stewardship Council COC Summit (one day) 第十五届上海国际茶文化节"苏河湾"发展论坛暨投资项目推介会 (半天) The Fifteenth Shanghai International Tea Culture Festival S.H. Bay Development Forum and Investment Promotion Seminar (Half a day) 上海博思大众新车客户调研会 (1天) Market Research Seminar on Dazhong Cars (one day) 第二届国际太阳能及光伏大会(2008)(半天) Second International Seminar on Solar Power and PV (Half a day) 2008年 INSEAD/国家发改委 中国家族企业管理论坛 (1天) Chinese Family Business Management Forum by INSEAD and NDRC (One day) 上海博太市场研究座谈会(1天) Shanghai BoTai Market Research Seminar (One day) 欧盟-中国木材贸易论坛暨商机交流会(3天) EU-China Timber Trade Forum (Three days) 百思买国际零售商大会(1天半) Best Buy International Retailer Conference (One and a half days) 彪马集团 Be Nice Training 员工培训(3天) PUMA Staff Training (Three Days) WHATIF 企业客户座谈会(2天) Customer Seminar of WHATIF(Two Days) 2007 全国桥梁技术大会及中、日、美桥梁安全论坛(2天) China Bridge Technology Conference and China, Japan and US Bridge Safety Forum(Two days) 中国投资德国研讨会(半天) Seminar on Investment in Germany(Half a day) 威利雅水务集团污水处理流程管理者培训 (3天) Veolia Water Group Waste Water Plant Managers Training(Three days) IBM数据管理会议(2天) IBM Data Management Conference(Two days) 2007中国"责任关怀"促进大会---"责任关怀"之化学品安全监管(2天) 2007 China Responsible Care Conference: Safety Management of Chemicals through Product Stewardship(Two days) 微软集团移动事业部总裁"基于Windows live 6的智能手机"媒体会议(1天) Media Conference with Head of MCB of Microsoft on the Promotion of Mobile Phone based on Windows Live 6(One day) 德国伦茨集团中国上海工厂开工典礼 (1天) Opening Ceremony of Lunze Plant in Shanghai(One day) 威利雅水务集团污水处理操作员培训(2天) Veolia Water Group Zhuhai Waste Water Plant Operators Training(Two days) 国际大电网理事会中国日大会(1天) CIGRE China Day Conference (One day)
全球家具上海采购大会暨吉盛伟邦绿地国际家具村开业庆典 (半天) Shanghai International Furniture Fair 2007 and Opening Ceremony of Jisheng Well-born Greenland Global Home Furnishings Center (Half a day) 美国Sundance Spa 在华员工培训(3天) The US Sundance Spa Staff Training Conference (Three days) 国际足球联合会(FIFA) 与都邦财产保险女足世界杯合作仪式 (半天) Signing Ceremony between FIFA and Dubang Insurance (Half a day) 艾菲奖上海实效营销会议 (2天) Effie Award Shanghai Conference: International Conference on Marketing Effectiveness(Two days) 菲力普东亚研究所 心血管疾病防治主题会议 (1天) Philips East Asia Research Conference: Cardio-vascular Disease Prevention and Control (One day) 南京软件发布会 (1天) Software Promotion Conference in Nanjing (One day) 中美科普论坛(1天) Sino-Us Science and Technological Forum (One day) 国际创投基金中国季度会议(1天) China's Quarterly Conference of Bluerun Venture Capital (One day) 2006 世界500强 亨斯迈公司 亚太客户营销会议2006 (2天) Huntsman Asia-pacific Customer Conference 2006 (Two days) 中国资产证券化国际高峰会议2006 (2天) China International Summit on Asset-backed Securitization 2006(Two days) 苏州工业园 美国Warrenup 营销会议(2天) Warrenup Pump Marketing Conference in Suzhou Industrial Park(Two days) 澳洲钻石山公司与闵行区政府七宝项目合作会议 (1天) Qi'bao Project Cooperation Between Austrilian Diamondhill and Shanghai Municipal Government (One day)
2005 Philips内部审计培训 (1天) Philips Internal Auditing Training(One day) 中国汽车行业研发论坛2005(2天) China International Symposium on Automobile Research and Development 2005(Two days) 中国航运物流峰会(2天) China International Summit on Air and Marine Logistics(Two days) 斯坦福大学管理论坛 (1天) Management Forum of Stanford University (One day) 菲利普电气培训 (2天) Philips Electric Group Training (Two days) 部分交传案例 Consecutively Interpreted Projects EPICOR 亚洲客户峰会2008 EPICOR 2008 ASIA CUSTOMER SUMMIT 苏州市政府主办,药明康德与科文斯项目发布会 WuXi Pharmartech and Covance Project Press Conference Sponsored by Suzhou Government 国际海洋管理委员会 监管链高峰会(审核员会议) Marine Stewardship Council COC Summit(Auditors Workshop) CLSA 中国投资会议 2008 CLSA China Investment Conference 2008 上海海关缉私局、上海看守所,上海人民检察院 涉外盗窃,海关走私等案件全程口译 上海飞机制造厂机械设备培训 Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Factory Staff Training on Mechanical Equipment 以色列EMBA考察团上海考察 Israel EMBA Delegation Shanghai Tour 加拿大蒙特利尔机场与东方航空,上海航空商务会谈 Montreal Airport Business negotiation with China Eastern Airlines, Shanghai Airlines 福建雪人制冷 中东客商商务会谈 Fujian Xueren Refrigerator Business Negotiation with Mideast Managers 爱默生、花旗商务合作会谈 Emerson and Citibank Business Negotiation Powrmatic 与 中国上风高科 商务会谈 Powrmatic Business Negotiation with Shangfeng High-tech. 中美科普论坛 Sino-Us Science and Technological Forum CLSA 中国投资会议 2007 CLSA China Investment Conference 2007 英格兰东北署招商会议2006 North-east England Investment Fair 2006 埃及、塞浦路斯、希腊 联合旅游推介会 Joint Tourism Promotion Conference by Egypt, Cyprus and Greece 澳洲钻石山公司与闵行区政府七宝项目合作会议 Qi'bao Project Cooperation Between Austrilian Diamondhill and Shanghai Municipal Government 卢湾区人民法院 瑞士DSM公司劳动纠纷案 A Legal case in Luwan District People's Court 中国投资会议2005 China Investment Conference 2005 家乐福华东总部商务会谈 Business Negotiation in Carrefour East-China Headquarters 上海电气与美林证券商务会谈 Business Negotiation Between Shanghai Electric Group and Merrill Linch 上海航空 与美林证券商务会谈 Business Negotiation Between Shanghai Airlines and Merrill Linch 英格兰东北署招商会议2005 North-east England Investment Fair 2005 美国Unisys 公司与客商洽谈 The US Unisys Business Negotiation 卢湾区劳动仲裁委员会 开庭的DSM公司劳动纠纷案 A legal case of DSM company in Luwan People's Arbitration Committee 中国国际服装业采购高峰论坛 China International Summit of Global Garment outsourcing 美国KVM 制造商与浙江杭州比特瑞旺集团商务洽谈 The US KVM Business Negotiation with Bi Te Rui Wang Group 瑞士Rowa机械公司上海办事处口译员 Consecutive Interpreter at Swiss Rowa Shanghai Representative Office 湖南株洲诚业九通化工有限公司与印度客商的商务谈判 Hunan Zhuzhou Jiutong Chemical Business Negotiation with Indian managers 瑞士国际发展学院EMBA学院上海之行口译(与网易公司 , 闸北区政府,闸北经贸委, 大众公司等会谈) Swiss IMD Shanghai Inspection Tour: business contact with cyber companies, Zhabei district government and its economic and trade committee, Dazhong Taxi, etc. 法国道达尔集团苏南投资考察 French Total Group Southern Jiangsu Inspection Tour 上海海关尼日利亚籍嫌疑犯毒品走私,美籍华人汽车走私案的 提审,领事会见,批捕等 Interpreter in Shanghai Detention House in Interrogation, arrest declaration, etc. 浙江苏泊尔电器与法国家乐福的洽谈会 Carrefour Business Negotiation with Supor Cooking Utensils